Wednesday, December 7, 2011

celebrate good times, come on!

I have been MIA these days, honestly remember that paper I was suppose to write but wrote the "prepping our apartment for our first Christmas"post. Yeah, well it came down to the last minute and I wrote it Monday in one sitting (10 pages in 5 hours). Really down to the wire, I mean I had to PRESENT it in my Monday night class. But I did it, and now its play {and blog} time! Bring on the holidays! 

Apart from school work I have my grad assistantship:
New business cards = big girl status
& we are planning "Celebration of Lights" to celebrate the diversity in the holidays among the students. 

Check out my sweet interview: 

Read the whole article here.

But how can I actually get up and go to work with this little sleepy pug cuddling with me in the morning? 
& my goodness can this boy snore. 


I Just Gotta Get This Off My Chest said...

Hey Girl, My sister just got her acceptance letter to rider today and she is super excited! I really want her to get as involved as you are. Any tips??? P.S. I know I said this on FB but OMG I love Barry...He really is just to cute.


Emma Z said...

Hum, tips to get involved at Rider... tell her to come chat with me haha my office is in the BLC 1st floor student affairs suite.

The first thing that I got really involved with was Greek Life, once I went Greek the opportunities came like flying at me. There are so many opportunites on campus, you just gotta know where to look!

Hope she comes to Rider, I had some of my best experiences here (and still am haha)