What I Wore: glasses- Steve Madden, top- vintage via Tea and Tulips, skirt- thrifted, flats- Forever 21
I love the pattern on this blouse!
pretty much anything with a weird print that Tea and Tulips has in store, must be mine!
I am currently packing, well blogging. but should be packing...
can you find the pug in this picture?
"helping" me fold laundry & pack?
There he is!
I am going to miss this little guy...because tomorrow morning we leave for Vermont!
The fiancé surprised me with a little trip for Christmas!
I am so excited for a little get-a-way!
some snacks for our road trip!
Made the fiancé get Peeps because it is Easter weekend after all!
& Easter is not the same without Peeps!
& my new Le bunny bleu flats all ready for the trip!
See you Monday!