Monday, March 25, 2013

back to winter plaids, since it is still snowing...

So it has been snowing / ugly winter weather all day.
Doesn't mother nature know it is spring break?

So I stayed inside and hung out with these babies all day,
this pug is the cutest! 
cuddled all day and even sat with me while I washed dishes

This weather also made me want to break out my latest plaid since it is not quite floral spring season.
 What I Wore: glassesWarby Parker Midnight Blue Sinclairs, top- thrifted, belt- Abercrombie & Fitch, pants- Seven, boots- vintage, bag- "She's Got Purse-onality" from ModCloth. lips- Vincent Longo "Americana" via GlossyBox

At least I get to wear jeans and hang out with my dogs, 
mother nature can't keep me from getting the most out of the break!

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