today we spent a perfect morning making crepes =)
barry helped of course
love Sundays with my boys
Then we went on a little adventure and went geocaching {like a treasure hunt}
Sometimes barry needed a little lift...
1st one we found =)
Left a candy cane
found this sweet honey jar that someone dumped.
One man's trash is another's treasure
Sorry barry no hunting =)
Found the second one =)
this one was so cool!
An ammo box, left another candy cane and signed the log book.
Such a pretty {yet cold} day
What I Wore: black rain boots- bought at a little store in the middle-of-nowhere in Costa Rica, blue acid wash jeans- Forever 21, cable knit tan sweater- thrifted yesterday from the Rescue Mission in Trenton, grey coat- GAP, Cosby multicolor cardigan- thrifted from udelco, Tortois "Tamara" glasses- c/o Proopticals.
dirty boots = successful adventure
barry waiting for Charlie to get back to the car
End our adventure with some bread, cheese, olives, and tequila sunrises.
Tonight we are making pasta with clams
I wish weekends never ended.
OMG I go geocaching ALL the time with Andrew!! Where did you guys go? I wonder If I've been there as well. Barry is growing up so adorable... you can tell you guys are doing such an awesome job. I take Navi geochaching with us sometimes but if I know we are going in a really forest-ee area... I usually leave her home because she can't handle it!! To many sticks! lol
<3 Samanatha
p.s. I love your outfit!!!
We went behind our apartment in Lawrence and to Drexel woods it was so cool! Our first time. Do you have and recommendations? & thank you about my outfit and puppy we are trying hard! We should go geocaching together!
We definitely should go together! The best recommendation I can make is to make sure you always have something warm to wear and download a really good geocache app for your phone so you can GPS them and find exactly where they are (if you aren't already doing so.. which you probably are). Oh and bring and extra pen or pencil because some geocaches are micro and there is no pen or pencil to write with!!
Let me know next time you go and maybe we can plan something!!!
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