Here are all the things I carry around during my adventures
at FIT in NYC this Fall,
I am only taking classes on Mondays,
but I am a full time student this semester (12 credits)
SO it is a very long day {8 am-10:30 pm + an hour commute each way...}
I am taking:
Merchandising Math Applications
Fashion Business Practices
Contemporary Retail Management
Fundamentals of Textiles
Once again my classes are AMAZING.
But require lots of bits:
I am loving my stickers on my computer these days too:
The beginning of a new school year
always makes me instinictaly look at new school bags,
here is what I am loving this fall:
1. Mochi Things "Monopoly Leather Backpack {$130}
2. Betsey Johnson Pug with Glasses print bags all found on Poshmark:
3. Had some teaching memories when my friend Bri posted this on Instagram,
But not it is just fashion homework I need to do instead of lab reports.
So much better.
Just need to figure out what I am going to do with this whole fashion school thang...
I loved this meme that my friend Walter posted via This Is Why I'm Single on Facebook:
At least I know I am starting my day off right thanks to my amazing husband.
He makes me coffee and left me this adorable half a fig from our fig tree 💚
Much needed for the trek into NYC,
But my god is it worth it.
PS. I am a rebel without a cause
{clearly demonstrated 👇}
On my second day of class we got to see Jason Jobson of a LIFE of STYLE speak,
he has worked for a ton of incredible brands including Chanel and Ferragamo
and we got to hear all about his adventures after FIT.
He was funny and inspiring, I really enjoyed it.
FIT offers their students such amazing connections
and has incredible alumni among its ranks!
Here is my "First Day of School" outfit this year:
What I Wore: glasses- Glasseslit, lips- Mellow Cosmetics Creamy Matte in "Posh" via Ipsy top- Kensie {gift from sister Audrey}, shorts- Target, flats- vintage
& then home to do tons of HW...
this my study buddy:
The start of a new school year means the end of our "Summer of Silvia",
my youngest sister Silvia has been staying with us all summer for her internship in NYC
and it has been so much fun!
Check out these throwbacks:
When I was commuting in with her this summer for summer classes,
I couldn't help but capture these sleepy mornings:
Arnold really fell in love with his new roomie
and would hang out with her as much as possible:
He is not happy that she is gone...
(this is mid yawn, but sad that he is not cuddling with Silvia...)
As I start a new semester actually living and learning my dream career,
I loved this post from classysassymrs on Instagram:
Cheers to a new semester!
Shameless Promotions
{I mean... Fashion School @FIT NYC doesn't pay for itself!}
Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
Shop my closet, including modern items, on PoshMark!
Use coupon code "BUSSI" for $5 off your first PoshMark purchase
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This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated
if you click on my links or make a purchase using my links.
Some products may be gifted to me for promotion,
they will always be noted with "c/o"
Thanks for your continued support! <3
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