Tuesday, September 18, 2018

striped friends & reflections...

I always seem to catch the striped friends 
(that is what I call our brindle bulldog Maggie + our tabby cat Arnold)
hanging out together:

Like when I get out of the shower:

She looks like she is yelling at me like, "Mom this is a private striped friends hang out!"

If I wear stripes does that make me part of the club?!

 What I Wore: glasses- Rivet & Sway, lips- Wet n Wild Fergie "V.I.Pink", necklace- gift from my hubby from Tiffany's, t-shirt & jeans- Gap, cardigan- Forever 21, flats- vintage

It's been a few months since I first sent away a bunch of my glasses to get 
new prescription lenses in them from LensesRx.
I do have some reflections on the prescriptions as I have started to wear the glasses...
Mainly that they are SO REFLECTIVE.
I know I know I didn't "upgrade" to get the Anti-Reflective coating on them, 
it was an extra $29.95 a pair!

I went the cheaper route and now my selfies are mirrors for the world around me. 
I guess you live and learn. 
I love the services LensesRx offers and I still think it is a great deal,
 but with the anti-reflective charge x2 the cost of the other lenses 
and you own as many glasses as I do it's hard to splurge.

 When Charlie tells me to make the bed in the morning 
but there is a very sleepy striped friend who is not ready to get up yet...

Shameless Promotions 

Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
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This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
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