I started blogging as a creative outlet when the prospect of being a teacher seemed to lead to a life of solid color button downs, slacks and black flats. Yes, I love teaching science {most of the time} but the idea of wearing "teacher clothes" terrified me.
So here is the paper that actually links my so called "Shopping Problem" with my usage of social media. Prepared to be shocked/amazed/judge me/ have your suspicions proven right.
Emma Z
EDAD 521
Data Driven Life
On September 15th 2013, I
realized I had an addiction. As I stared blurry eyed into a computer screen
refreshing my twitter feed to find the active links to the illusive 3.1 Phillip
Lim for Target collection launch. I am a shopping addict. I stayed up until 4
am to order the items that I had been coveting all summer long. Saving the
pictures of the release, making wish lists, and strategizing. I planned to
utilize my sister as my backup to get the items that I wanted in store, knowing
the chaos that would be waiting for us as we entered the door of our local
Target. Getting there at seven in the morning when doors open at eight o’clock
on a Sunday morning takes dedication. Dedication that I have towards shopping.
I love Target designer collections. The
affordable versions of the runway options that I can only dream to own are at
my fingertips. These true designer collections usually run around $2,000 for a
purse. Which is not happening on a teacher’s salary. It was in those hours of
waiting by the computer and standing at the door of a closed Target store that
I realized what a crazy person I have become. This realization helped me make
the decision to track my social media and shopping for a week.
I outlined the main outlets that I
frequently use on a daily basis as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,
personal email, and blogging. I tracked every minute of usage of each
application, website, and social media outlet. I began this painstaking process
with the hope to identify my time suckers. I also tracked every penny that was
spent in the course of a week. I wanted to see if there was a correlation to
the amount of exposure to social media and the amount of money I spend on a
daily basis. I expected that blogging would be the highest amount of time spent
since I use fashion blogging as a creative outlet.
Figure 1 shows the amount of minutes that
I used each social media outlet during each day of the tracking period. Some additional
notes: on September 19th 2013 the new IOS7 IPhone software was
released, the apps on the phone are all different, exploration of the new
features resulted. Usage is also low on September 24th 2013 due to
back to school night responsibilities.
Figure 2 shows
the total amount of social media usage over a week. This figure indicates my
largest time suckers as YouTube and Blogging. Since Blogging is the creative
part of my social media usage, this number was expected. YouTube was also
expected because I frequently watch videos while blogging. The next largest
section of the pie chart was shopping which usually results from browsing other
blogs and linking items. The other social media outlets are used to promote my
blogging and browse other people’s activity.
Figure 3 shows the possible correlation
between the amounts of money spent daily in comparison to the minutes spent on
social media outlet. It was interesting to see where the peaks of the two
variables correspond. On Day 1 the amount of money spent includes the first
payment for Graduate School this semester. The amount would have been $166 for
other purchases. The total amount of money spent for a week was $1737.85 and
the total amount of minutes spent on 1940 minutes.
Conclusions and
The results of this tracking
experiment were eye opening. I have been battling with the idea that I indeed
have an addition to spending money. To see the actual numbers line up and
support this idea and make me have to face the fact that I am unable to stop
myself from browsing and making impulse purchases. I was faced with the idea of
being honest about my shopping habits. As the New York Times article Data Driven Life on April 26 2010 states,
“We are ashamed of ourselves, so we lie to ourselves”. Also as stated by the
article’s author Gary Wolf, “My day was a patchwork of distraction” and as my
data shows, my days are also. I am
hoping that as other people who have tracked their data through out their lives,
I can master my habit by keeping track on the destruction that these habits are
taking on my productivity and my savings account.
Work Sited
Gary. "Data Driven Life." New York Times. 26 Apr. 2010. Web.
So there you have it. My shopping addiction confirmed by dollars spent & hours blogged. But honestly- I love shopping. So it is kinda a #sorryimnotsorry deal... but one can always strive to improve {I suppose}.
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