Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween! Asbury Park Zombie Walk 2017: "Can I get you a bloody beer?"

{source: imgion.com}

At the beginning of October, my mom, sisters and I attended the 2017 Asbury Park NJ Zombie Walk,
I can't believe this was the 10th one! 

Did we prepare earlier like we always intend to? 
This time we started on the day of. 
We definitely pushed this one to the deadline (get it...)

In 2013 we were blood donors:

In 2014 we "woke up like this"

& In 2016- I was "The Walking Unemployed"

 This year we went as waitresses, 
kinda ironic since I feel like some of my shifts feel like death these days...
including apparently opening the restaurant today,
while still needed to get pieces for my halloween costume for the party TONIGHT.

My sister Silvia did our makeup and it looked CRAZY! 
It turned out so good! 

I loved mom's tray too:

We did have to get rid of the tray because you couldn't bring any props into Johny Macs,

Silvia's makeup was terrifying, 
people were stopping in the street and staring at her: 

Quite the Mötley Crüe

Time to go to the walk! 

These stripper zombies were hilarious

I really liked this Dia De Los Muertos group 
{they ended up taking first place in the group costumes}

Loved this Wizard of Oz group, 
their makeup was SO GOOD. 
Look at that scarecrow dedication:
{source: Victor Mistretta on Facebook}

Had to stop for some Mogo's Tacos
Zombies gotta eat too... 

Headed to Johny Macs for more celebrations! 

We had to be on time because we were nominated for best group costume! 

Thanks to these crazies! 

These frozen margaritas at Johny Macs were so good! 

I love all the random details in Johny Macs

In case you needed a little musical outro brought to you by some partying zombie waitresses:

If you need me, I will be a waitress {for real} tonight at Vault Brewing
but it's okay, I still get to dress up for the Stephen King theme
and party after! 
{source: Vault Brewing on Instagram}

& check out these amazing REDRUM glasses:

I leave you with perhaps my favorite moment from Bob's Burgers
{remember when Charlie was Bob and I was Tina?!}

Happy Halloween!
What are you going to be this year?!

Shameless Promotions 
{I mean... Fashion School @FIT NYC doesn't pay for itself!} 

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This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
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