Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Challenge: A Week of Camo {Day 3- Wanted & Gotten}

You know I had to do a special WANTEDWEDNESDAY 
for some of my camo print wants!
7. Was on but I can't find it now =(
8. Camo Print Dress {think it was from Gap, as seen on amy_cbandbp on Instagram
{similar dress on}

I knew that I had to layer my beloved J.Crew vest 
{which was definitly #1 on my camo wishlist every fall until I finally got it}
with my camo striped top, also a favorite! 

What I Wore: glasses- c/o Bellinger via 10/10 Optics, lips- c/o Julia's Lip Tint "Truly Yours Red", necklace- gift from hubby, top & vest & jacket- JCrew, pants- Walmart, booties- Target, bag- vintage Dooney & Bourke 

I loled so loud at this camo meme posted by boywithnojob on Instagram:


Shameless Promotions 
{I mean... Fashion School @FIT NYC doesn't pay for itself!} 

Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
Shop my closet, including modern items, on PoshMark!
Use coupon code "BUSSI" for $5 off your first PoshMark purchase

FTC Disclosure: 
This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
if you click on my links or make a purchase using my links.
Some products may be gifted to me for promotion, 
they will always be noted with "c/o" 

Thanks for your continued support! <3


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