Wednesday, June 28, 2017

SATs, spend more money than we make...

To get through proctoring the SATs, 
we have to have something to look forward to, 
that usually includes sushi and drinks. 

We end up spending more than we make...

What I Wore: glasses- c/o Faniel via 10/10 Optics, lips- Tarte "Birthday Suit", dress- Gap, belt- ? {old}, flats- H&M

In the classroom I was proctoring in,
 there was this student artwork of New Jersey made of recycled magazines,
it was awesome!

Time for celebrating another SAT exam!
Sushi & saki {and strawberry daiquiri} at Ichiban in Oakhurst, NJ

I laughed out loud at this note on the toothpicks:

Later that night we decided to check out the brand new Marina Grill in Belmar, NJ

When we arrived we were told there was over a 2 hour wait for a table and we put our name on the list and went to get a cocktail at the bar,
while we were waiting we realized that there were SO MANY (over 12) empty tables
that continued to stay empty for over an hour and a half while we waited.
Ridiculously long wait,
so much so that I took a quick walk around
& took pictures of all the empty tables that sat there
as people crowded the bar waiting for their number to be called.
This place is not ready to deal with a busy summer crowd with this poor restaurant management.

The restaurant itself also has weird empty spaces
that could easily fit more tables or seating by the fire pit.
The food it self was not good.
My soup tasted like soap and when I said it to the waitress
she said, "I told them (the kitchen staff) earlier"
and they are still serving it?!
{See my full review on TripAdvisor}

Aside from the poor management, food, long bathroom line, etc.
This place does have an incredible view of the sunset.

Honestly so beautiful 🌅

Mom looks so happy  😊

Highlight of the night was definitely this coupled in the matching banana outfits:

I ran into the guy at the bar and I said, "I like your matching banana set"
& he said "thanks".
I said, "also love your girl's dress"
& he said, "It's so weird, I just met her today."


good one.

But how amazing would that be if that was the truth?!

I mean they would have to immediately get married and stay together forever and ever.


Shameless Promotions :)

Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
Shop my closet, including modern items, on PoshMark!
Use coupon code "BUSSI" for $5 off your first PoshMark purchase

FTC Disclosure: 
This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
if you click on my links or make a purchase using my links.
Some products may be gifted to me for promotion, 
they will always be noted with "c/o" 

Thanks for your continued support! <3

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