Friday, January 20, 2017

finding my patriotism, no really, looking for this top

Inevitably when I go to do my "Outfits in Review" end of year posts,
{see them here: 2014, 2015, 2016}
I re-discover something I forgot I had/loved
that was the case with this patriotic paisley top.

Apparently I put in a bin to be listed in my InTheLeopardCloset shops,
but when I saw how cute it was, I fell back in love and went on a mission to find it!

Searching for my patriotism, if you will.
Especially given that today is Inauguration Day...

What I Wore: glasses- c/o Faniel via 10/10 Optics, lips- NYX "Kitten Heels", top- vintage, tank- NY&Co, pants- Loft, shoes- ASOS

Need to unwind after this insane week...
facemask in order.
Pretty, I know.
You're welcome.

& a fave this Friday is my little Z collection in our guest room!
I got the big silver one at a thrift store a couple of years ago in Rhode Island,
when my Big & I went to visit her sister Meagan!
Meagan found these awesome Z's on sale and got them for me for Christmas!
I love the mixed metals and together they are perfection!
{P.S. that skull and crossbones heart picture is from Adrienne from Looking Glass Tattoos in Brick, NJ who did my mannequin tattoo at the Visionary Tattoo Arts Festival in Asbury Park last summer. Check out her Etsy Store: AdrienneHaberlTattoo}

Shameless Promotions :)

Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
Special coupon code from my interview
{you should listen to my interview!- starts around 30 mins in}

Shop my closet, including modern items, on PoshMark!
Use coupon code "BUSSI" for $5 off your first PoshMark purchase

Shop IRL (In Real Life) at the April Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market in Trenton, NJ
InTheLeopardCloset is vending on Sunday April 9th!
It is a great event, you should totally come.

Thanks for your continued support! <3

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