I have always heard good things about the Erin Condren planners,
but have always thought, "what could be so good about them anyways"...
until I got one from the PHL Bloggers convention,
& became hooked on them.
I knew I needed a new one this year and put it on my Christmas 2017 Wishlist,
but I wanted it fully customized so it had to be more of a #treatyoself gift
& I did just that,
fully customized my Life Planner from Erin Condren.
I went with:
• Personalized leopard cover and back cover with blog logo,
• Horizontal days in the colorful version {of course}
• Rose Gold ring binding
I also added on lots of the accessories for my planner:
{although I didn't get the wet erase markers so I need to get something to write on this with now...}
When I ordered my planner (December 29th) the website had a coupon for 30% off
with code "PLANON2018" which saved me over $30!
When my beautiful planner finally arrived (took about 2 weeks) I squealed with delight
and honestly thought about calling out of work so that I could play with it all day!
It also arrived with a "Welcome Pack" of gifting stickers
It was time to put it all together!
Ah, I am so in love.
Goodbye 2017 || Hello 2018
Even better that my planner fits in my Red Bubble "Never Regular" pouch!
I love this combo!
SO ready for this new year!
Plan on Playa.
Shameless Promotions
{I mean... Fashion School @FIT NYC doesn't pay for itself!}
Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
Shop my closet, including modern items, on PoshMark!
Use coupon code "BUSSI" for $5 off your first PoshMark purchase
FTC Disclosure:
This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated
if you click on my links or make a purchase using my links.
Some products may be gifted to me for promotion,
they will always be noted with "c/o"
Thanks for your continued support! <3
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