Tuesday, May 17, 2011

the fabric of our lives

This is something that I have been wanting to share since well.... let's say it is on my original blog idea list {before I actually created a blog}

Last year, after working my @$$ off 
as a Biology undergraduate student, 
as a present to myself, I designed and ordered  
a T-shirt quilt:

Every shirt has a story & I am obsessed with how amazing it turned out.

My quilt starts with my senior shirt from high school, my first job shirt, and my dorm shirt from moving into college. 

It includes shirts from life guarding, Alpha Xi Delta & greek life, Rider University, & my travels all over the world. 
It ends with my senior shirt from Rider University which says,
 "It has been a wild ride, I wouldn't change a minute".
btw- that green shirt is from my skydiving adventure that was given to me by my uncle for my college graduation. Seriously funny pictures. Maybe I will share some time =)

There are many companies out there for things like this but I used:  {click here}

They are AMAZINGLY nice, helpful & their work is incredible. I am obsessed with it & highly recommend it to anyone =)


LoveIsBrightAndYourMySunShine said...

thats amazing !

Sharde said...

That is awesome! I made one in highschool in my textiles class. It still makes me smile. I had 23 of my closest friends give me each a shirt and I used one of my own and had a 6x4 quilt. Even though not a single one of those people are in my life today, nor do I remember EVERY one of the people where the shirts came from, its definitely special. it made me happy to see this :)

Mrs Vintage said...

Thx Emma for yr lovely comment on my blog. If you heart the giraffe skirt but only budget problem, let me know, I am pleased to offer you 20% off for YOU on it. Just let me know =P

As this is my interest only, $$ is not a big issue on me^^ Just share my dream!



Unknown said...

i need one of these in my life!
what size is that one?
Rosie xo

Emma Z said...

Mine is a queen extra long I think. I also added another row to the original quilt to the bottom so it is a little larger.

Kristen Leo said...

thats super cool! like your entire life on a quilt! wow!

Elle - The Violet Reaction said...

ooh, this is such a neat idea! maybe I'll have to do this sometime... I've been saving all of my tennis shirts and stuff for ages with no clue what to do with them. This is perfect!

oomph. said...

beautiful!! i had no idea you could order this! i've been saving all of my daughter's tees in hopes of eventually making her one! i'd really love to MAKE it, but i'll bookmark these links just in case, lol!


Hot Pink Combat Boots said...

These are so great, and sentimental. My girlfriend made one for her daughter who was going off to college. It was a quilt of her daughters sport t-shirts from high school. 1 - I have no idea how she became so crafty. 2 - I was totally impressed that she kept the t-shirts so nice. Mine would have been stained, or at least horribly faded.

What a brilliant business idea for someone to offer this service. Enjoy your weekend!