Monday, August 27, 2018

Mo Lowda & Mo Love

Look at this beautiful bounty! 

Guess I was inspired by those colors for the florals I decided to wear that day:

What I Wore: glasses- EyeBuyDirect, lips- Kathleen Lights x Colourpop "Scorpio Moon", 
necklace- gift from hubby, top- vintage, shorts- Target, booties- c/o Cleo Madison

I was really feeling myself in this cute outfit and I asked Charlie, "do you recognize this top?"
and he said "Are you going for the Kim Kardashian meme where she looks like that floral couch?"
I was like "WTF, not the answer I was looking for..."

I said (in a rather high pitched voice) "NO, it is the same print I wore for our engagement photoshoot"
He said, "How am I suppose to know that it was 6+ years ago!"
& I said, "They are the only framed pictures we have of us around the house!"
I thought it was cute because it was also the start of our wedding anniversary week but apparently Charlie had Kim Kardashian memes on his mind...

I mean it was a while ago but look how cute these pics are!
{They were taken by our friend Brandi

Anyways I took these vintage florals out to finally see Mo Lowda play at Triumph in New Hope
I work with the lead singer Jordan at Vault Brewing and was so excited to see them live! 

Such a great show!

Got to hang out with my coworkers and friends too!

Really enjoyed seeing Mo Lowda and The Humble play live, 
here are my three current faves: 

& I added them to my 2018 Spotify Playlist!

After a late night of fun, I woke up to this on my pillow:

Shameless Promotions 

Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
Shop my closet, including modern items, on PoshMark!
Use coupon code "BUSSI" for $5 off your first PoshMark purchase

FTC Disclosure: 
This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
if you click on my links or make a purchase using my links.
Some products may be gifted to me for promotion, 
they will always be noted with "c/o" 

Thanks for your continued support! <3

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