Saturday, August 18, 2018

a little less than a month to go.... my 30th Birthday Wishlist!

1. How perfect is this Anthropologie dress?! Would be the perfect birthday dress! 
I am not the only one who thinks so since my Instagram friend moglustik sent it to me 
& said it made her think of me 
& then I saw it on one of my idols highcyl's Instagram story
it is SO CUTE! 
2. Staceface Hairtie from Alice and Olivia, now do I need a hair tie, nope. 
Do I want to wear this one as a bracelet? 
3. I really want to see Elton John on his Farewell tour, specifically at Madison Square garden, 
why are these tickets so expensive?! 
4. Madewell "Looker Hook Bracelet"- now sold out online, and sold out on Poshmark too =(
6. Madewell "Looker Ring"- now sold out, but available from feusha on Poshmark

So there you have it.
I can't believe I turn 30 in less than a month!

I am excited for this new chapter

But I can't help but giggle my head off at these "30" memes:
{source: FuckJerry on Facebook}

{source: overheardnewyork on Instagram}


Shameless Promotions 

Check out my vintage finds: InTheLeopardCloset on Etsy!
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This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
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