If you follow me on instagram (@emmasglasses) you know that I did a bit of damage at Target yesterday...
Yes, that vomit of shoes on my bed are the damages.
I am obsessed with cap toe flats & they were only $7! Finish every outfit with a little shine for $7?
Yes. Please! {had to get them in every color}
& I found the stripped Webster for Target flats that were on my list when this line made its debut for only $10!
The pointy toe leopard and white spotted flats were $20 each but they are too adorable on to pass up!
If you are counting, yes that means I brought home 7 pairs of shoes. 7. I know. I had to break the news to the fiancé when that bag came in the house.
to which he replied, "so 7 in means 7 out, right?"
yes. sure honey. never.
Oh and see that little leopard hat on that check out line, yes, Target answered by deepest desires {for only $12} before I blew all my money on this one:
I was searching for a leopard accent hat in Mexico, but took home another beauty.
Now I need another exotic trip to rock my new found love.
perhaps a shorter list, the items I liked but didn't get:
Really adorable tassel loafers but if I picked out anymore shoes I wouldn't have been able to face myself this morning.
& a not needed but loved hello kitty fedora.
I also spruced up the living room with new curtains
{the old ones were stained from Barry's attention getting behavior when we first got Maggie, yes there was a leg lift involved. I attempted to wash them and one melted and the other was perfectly fine, weird.}
& a new carpet!! The old one we had had been through the ringer & was impossible to clean, every time we touched it there would be huge white spots. {see old living room here}
A welcomed / much needed change.
Other recent purchases:
This navajo print top from threadsence $36,
my first baublebar purchase $26 {sign up for $10 off your first order!},
first saw this skull top in the chictopia shop but didn't have enough points, so I ordered it anyway from chicnova $12 {get 20% off your first order!}
Also finally found a matte top coat:
transform all my polishes to matte with a swipe of a brush
can't wait to try it!
I also couldn't resist these:
Of course the pug one is mine & I got the other for my sister who is addicted to dim sum {from fivebelow}
Any new purchases you have made to make me feel less like a shop-a-haulic?
Oh my. I want the striped flat with pink cap toe!
it was quite a struggle for those... they would not ring up! They were like "whatever $10, you want them?" I was like "yes" but in my mind I was like "HECK YES!"
You did some epic shopping! I feel like I need to run off to Target, now, to snap up some shoes, but I should resist.
I can't say I went on such an epic shopping spree, but I did recently spend $100 on one pair of sandals, which is something I don't usually do! I'm loving them though, and that's what counts, right?
that is exactly what counts!
No you shouldn't. Too many amazing deals. (I sent my sister yesterday too haha)
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