This meme really hit home...
a little triggering actually...
it IS me:
{source: @iamthirtyaf π Instagram}
Another one that is wildly accurate and also triggering,
but hilarious:
{source: Moms Survival Guide on Facebook}
So today's Chapter 3 Mommy Mondaze I wanted to share Little Charlie's baby books!
I ordered the "My Very First Day" from Little Yeti and I love it!
It is custom to the baby's birth info and is so cute!
Picked up these LaVie on Facebook Marketplace and I love them!
They are such a throwback!
I love his little safari baby book that we got from Spunkandlove on Etsy,
this is one of my favorite pages,
although not a full handprint because it is really hard to get a newborn to cooperate
One of my favorite pages from our "Becoming Parents" book
from HeilsaDiySupply on Etsy,
my Mother's Day page from my last one before baby arrived at the end of the month!
I am really trying to keep track of these memories, big and small,
this was a good reminder:
{source: @mymusea π Instagram}
I am so happy with how beautiful his baby book and our becoming parents book is,
it was nice to work through them to celebrate our fertility journey
and appreciate the hard work it took to bring Charlie into this world
Happy I worked on them when he was a newborn and didn't wait
because he is so much more active (and more work) now!
& only going to get more active once he is on the move!
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