Monday, January 18, 2021

an old cardigan + brand new phone!

I can't say that the song "cardigan" from Taylor Swift is my fave 
but it is catchy.

Have you watched the Taylor Swift "folklore the long pond studio sessions" 
on Disney +?
I liked the intimate setting and the look behind the scenes of the songs

Well this might be an "old cardigan" but it is new to me!

What I Wore: glasses- Warby Parker, lips- Smashbox Cosmetics "Disco Rose", earrings + necklace- Julie Vos, top- Old Navy, cardigan- Forever 21 {thrifted}, jeans- Gap, boots- Walmart

Added my hat and fur for my commute, it was a good makeup day!
{not pictured- face mask of course!}

Looking forward to better pics because as Taylor sings about a "brand new phone" 
I was so excited to finally get a new phone- 
the iPhone Pro Max in the "Pacific Blue" color
& I love my new pug phone case from Amazon:

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This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
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