I am so excited to share our quarantine project!
The downstairs bathroom is one of the last rooms in our house
that we have not really touched since we moved in over 7 years ago...
or since our Home Tour
During quarantine we decided to take it on!
& I love how it came out!
Our first step was to get the tub and tile reglazed,
we used Philly Reglaze and it looks brand new!
My father in law helped with the electricity to move the lights
to be able to have sconces and not that really harsh overhead lighting.
Some of my favorite details:
My hubby did a great job with the molding, painting and all the handiwork!
I also love this print from @analogstreets!
I fell in love with it at "The Road" gallery
I love how the wallpaper wraps up the ceiling!
I think of my favorite parts is the painted floors and painted radiator!
A few details that we bought to complete our bathroom makeover:
1. amazon | 2. vintagetub
Speaking of those freakin' flamingos... they were a nightmare!
The issue is that when you put it on and smooth it on it stretches out
so that the damn birds don't match up
This was us when all our bathroom goodies came in:
{source: Someecards on Facebook}
Affordable upgrades and I love our new bathroom!
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