Thursday, October 31, 2019

“Are there any pirates on this ship?”

Last weekend we celebrated Halloween at my Aunt's annual Halloween party, 
I decided to go as a Pirate since to my foot is a peg leg these days 
in a medical boot due to a stress fracture... 
more on that at a later date...

Charlie went as my Pirate's Booty!
Drippin' in some Julie Vos jewels! 

Wrapped my booty in some wood like fabric to make it a peg leg- 
shout out to Mood Fabrics for coming through with the perfect fabric!

Got all my Pirate accessories at the Goodwill for like $1 each!
👓 are from Wherelight (I think...)

My parents went as a couple of "cereal killers"

My Aunt was a mime & my uncle was a terrifying "Warrior"

My booty found a sombrero...

I laughed at how relatable this post was from's Facebook today:

Happy Halloween from my little pug shark!


Today I was a sheriff at work

& my work bestie Olivia was a cowgirl!


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This post contains affiliate links and I may be compensated 
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